Energy Business Motion


SDAC is prepared for Brexit

Single Day-Ahead Coupling (SDAC) is prepared for potential consequences of Brexit on implicit day-ahead market coupling.

HUPX’s September DAM report is available now

HUPX’s September DAM report is available now

XBID 2nd wave pre-launch workshop in Prague

On the occasion of the 2nd wave go-live of XBID, the Single Intraday Coupling (SIDC) solution a pre-launch event was held in Prague on October 1, 2019. At the workshop, HUPX was represented by Ms. Gabriella Juhász, Senior Market Development Expert who gave a presentation under the title “Overview of borders, market areas & products”.


HUPX Group Partner Party

On 20 September 2019 in line with its traditions HUPX Group held its annual partner party.