Energy Business Motion

Members and admission

Preconditions of the membership:

  • Registry Account at MEKH, NECS or other AIB member

Membership admission procedure:

  • After initial contact (link at the bottom of the page), the applicant will receive the necessary forms via the provided contact email address.
  • The applicant fills out a detailed online membership application form, providing the required information. Based on this data, after verification, HUPX will send the following documents for review and signature:
    • GO Membership Agreement (Technical Regulation V.)
    • Membership Identification Form (D01)
    • Trader Registration Form (D02) 
  • The applicant submits the signed documents along with the required supporting documents to

         If electronic signatures are unavailable, the documents must be physically signed as follows:

  • Two original copies of the Membership Agreement (Technical Regulation V.)
  • One original copy of the Membership Identification Form (D01)
  • One original copy of the Trader Registration Form (D02)

        In this case, the documents should be sent to the following address:
        1134 Budapest, Dévai utca 26-28.

Supporting documents:

  • Company Registration Extract (issued within 60 calendar days)
  • copy of VAT certification
  • A copy of the Registry account contract concluded with the AIB member or proof of the existence of Registry account.

Fee packages

Fixed fees

Membership package Go Standard Go Extra
Entrance fee 0 € + VAT
Membership fee 250 € + VAT / quarter 500 € + VAT / quarter
System fee 150 € + VAT / quarter
Additional user fee 50 € + VAT / user / quarter

HUPX charges additional user fee for all users above 3 users per Member.

Transaction fees

Membership package Go Standard Go Extra
Transaction fee 0.05 € / MWh + VAT 0.03 € / MWh + VAT

Registry transfer fee

for transfering GOs from the HUPX Registry Accounts

0.0135 € / MWh + VAT